“I’m really appreciative of the opportunity you are providing for kids to experience playing in a string orchestra. We are not part of a school system which provides such opportunities, and the experience was terrific. The chance to play in a small chamber group was nice, too.” – Mary Murphy
“I thought the String Jam was awesome and super fun because I was amazed at how fast I could learn something so fun and challenging.” – 7th Grader
“Being a part of String Jam changed my life because it was the first time I got to play violin with a group of other players.” – 4th Grader
“Paul’s summer held a handful of exciting opportunities, but the one he was most stoked about was String Jam. He learned a great deal, had a fun time, and made some awesome new friends. Before the week was over he was already asking to attend next year. Mrs. Lind, Mrs. Pafford and all the supporting individuals worked really hard to make the camp and resulting performance a nourishing and enjoyable experience. Kudos! Paul is very much looking forward to next year!”
“String Jam was one of the highlights of my daughter’s summer. She maintained practicing over the summer, but nothing can take the place of playing & performing in a group setting. My husband and I were amazed at the complexity of the pieces and how good they sounded at the end of just one week. It was the perfect way to get her back in-the-groove for the beginning of school, and re-connect and meet like-minded friends who enjoy orchestra as much as she does. She looks forward to attending in next year.” – Kim Noyes
“I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun practicing my cello for three hours straight!” 7th Grader